Bonecrusher Clan

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Bonecrusher Clan

Bonecrusher Clan

2 posters

    Are you ready for Naxxramas?


    Posts : 48
    Join date : 2009-01-15
    Age : 42

    Are you ready for Naxxramas? Empty Are you ready for Naxxramas?

    Post  Zultuk Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:40 am

    Alright people, listen up! Soon we will be ready for a Nax run. We need YOU to work hard on your gear and skills. The obvious question in everyone's mind is:

    "Am I ready for Nax?"

    The answer is simple. I don't know lol

    Nax 10 man is a weird instance. I've read from some people that it's easier than Kara and others said it's rough. My opinion is simple. Go to this nice website and look up your character. If it says your character is ready for "Naxxramas Normal" then you are ready for the Nax 10 man content.

    Accoring to said website, these characters are ready for Nax:


    Everyone else, please get to work Twisted Evil. The easiest to do is get the epic gear from your professions or from friends (us hehe). Now that you guys are back, and my back i better I'm a bit hyped for WoW again!

    Alchemists, please, we need useful pots for this! Since I'm the LW, please, if you need anything from me, post it at the forums, that way once I get back I can start farming leather.

    We should make a goal for the guild. The goal is for everyone to be ready for Naxx 10 man by the end of the month!

    Are you with me? I said, ARE YOU WITH ME!?


    *Link fixed, sorry!

    Last edited by Zultuk on Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2009-01-15
    Age : 36

    Are you ready for Naxxramas? Empty Re: Are you ready for Naxxramas?

    Post  Leyvan Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:50 am

    Im with ya! I just notice I passed Sanaki in Wowheroes so im more Hyper then a Murloc in the *I am Murloc* Music video! bounce bounce bounce

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:24 am