Bonecrusher Clan

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Bonecrusher Clan

Bonecrusher Clan

    RL pwns Meat


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-03-08

    RL pwns Meat Empty RL pwns Meat

    Post  Meatpuppett Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:05 pm

    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to let everyone know, if you hadn't noticed already, that I will not be playing WoW anymore. I have too much going on in my life to be able to invest the time in this game. Good luck guys and maybe I can get on Vent and talk with you guys. If you see me on Vent feel free to pop in and say hello. Take Care.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:57 am