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Bonecrusher Clan

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    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader


    Posts : 40
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    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader Empty Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader

    Post  Nektal Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:27 am

    Trial of the Champion (5-man);

    Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader (10/25-man);
    -Individual Champions; (Disc)...needs update/links. (Shadow)...needs update/links. (Elem/Resto)...needs update/links. (Enhance)...needs update/links. (Lock w/Felpup)...needs update/links. (Warrior)...needs update/links.

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2009-02-01
    Age : 45
    Location : Jalalabad, Afghanistan

    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader Empty Re: Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader

    Post  Bluskana Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:51 pm

    Trial of the Crusader; 10-man (Normal).

    Northrend Beasts:
    -This entire event of Gormok, Dreadscale/Acidmaw and Icehowl has a 15 minute timer. 15 minutes after Gormok is engaged, regardless of the boss you are on, they will enrage.
    -This is noted as a mana-intensive encounter, with very little opportunity to regen, requiring everyone to conserve and limit player damage as much as possible.

    GORMOK, the Impaler-
    Primary Abilities;
    Impale- cast every 10 seconds, 30 second DoT. Stacking bleed dmg.

    AoE stomp- deals dmg and interrupts spell casting to all players within 15 yards of Gormok.

    Snobold Attack! (Ack!)- Gormok throws Snobold minion at random player, which attaches to their back and has 3 attacks. A stun, a damage and (if casting) an spell interrupt. Especially dangerous if attacking a healer. Each time Gormok deploys a Snobold he also gains a +10% dmg buff. Only 4 Snobolds are thrown, and if they are killed before they kill their target player, no more will be spawned. If, however, they are successful, and kill their first target, they will jump to another player, and Gormok will gain an ADDITIONAL 10% dmg buff!!!
    *when a Snobold is deployed, all dps need to target that Snobold and kill it.*
    ** Snobolds also throw fire bombs which leave flame patches on the ground = stay out of the fire**

    -Gormok can be disarmed/dismantled, etc. This prevents him from appling ‘Impale’ and reduces his melee dmg. Timing of disarm abilities should be used to make sure the max amount of disarms can be used in sequence, greatly reducing the damage from Impale stacks. Having a /focus or keeping track of Impale applications will aid in this.

    -Two tanks are used during this phase, taunting off after the first tank receives 3 Impales. Healers will need to keep the last tank up as his stack runs its full duration, as well as keeping up the new tank.

    1) Kill Snobolds.
    2) Keep casters out of AoE stomp range.
    3) Swap tanks after 3 Impales.
    4) Disarm as much as possible.
    5) Watch both tanks health even after swap.
    6) Tanks be prepared to used cooldowns and increase healing as dmg buff increases.
    7) Stay out the fire!

    Dreadscale and Acidmaw-
    Primary Abilities;
    Burning Bile (mobile); DoT on TANK ONLY. Lasts approx 25 seconds, dealing damage to the Tank and anyone within 10 yards.

    Molten Spew (mobile); frontal cone DoT.

    Slime Pool (mobile); aka Grobbulus fight, size 5-15 yards, 30 second duration.

    Burning Spray (rooted); basically Burning Bile, but now targeting random raid member and hitting anyone within 10 yards of them.

    Fire Spit (rooted); dmg to player tanking Dreadscale.

    Sweep (rooted); AoE dmg and knockback to anyone near Dreadscale.

    Paralytic Bite (mobile); cast on tank only. Dmg plus speed movement speed reduction. Lasts 60 seconds, however tank become paralyzed after approx 15 seconds.

    Acidic Spew (mobile); frontal cone dmg.

    Slime Pool (mobile); aka Grobbulus, size 5-15 yards, 30 second duration.

    Paralytic Spray (rooted); basically Paralytic Bite, but targeting random raid member and hitting anyone within 10 yards of them.

    Acid Spit (rooted); dmg to player tanking Acidmaw.

    Sweep (rooted); AoE dmg and knockback to anyone near Acidmaw.

    *The primary mechanic in this fight is managing Paralytic Toxin effect with Burning Bile. The only way to remove PT is by being near a player with BB on the.*

    - The fight will always begin with Dreadscale mobile, and Acidmaw rooted in place. As you can see, both Jormungers have similar abilities when they are rooted or mobile. Melee should avoid both of them in their rooted phase, and when attacking the mobile one, stay away from the frontal cone dmg and the acid pools. When they change position (mobile goes rooted, rooted becomes mobile), they will reset agro tables, and will need to be picked up again by the tanks first. Ideally one tank is designated as the ‘mobile’ Jormunger tank, while the other one picks up the ‘rooted’ one.

    Dealing with the BB/PT is done differently depending on the phase;
    Situation 1; Dreadscale mobile, Acidmaw rooted:
    Only the Dreadscale Tank will have BB, and the Acidmaw Tank will need to have PT removed. Since the Acidmaw tank will be positioning him away from the raid, and will be already getting the movement debuff, the Dreadscale Tank will have to move to him. Communicating when the separate debuffs are active, and the time remaining, will assist in clearing them as soon as possible. The BB AoE effect is roughly 10 yards, so the Tank with it only needs to get within ‘cleansing’ range, remove PT from the Tank with it, and then return to kiting Dreadscale around. Like Grobbulus, the ‘mobile’ tank will continue to move their target around the area to avoid poison clouds.
    -if a warrior is being used as a tank, they can wait for the frontal cone attack to be used (it has a 30 second CD), so it is safe for his Jormunger to face the raid momentarily, then Intervene to the other Tank for the ‘cleanse’, and promptly Charge back to his target.

    -in this situation, Acidmaw will also be targeting random raid member and hitting them, and anyone within 10 yards of them, with PT. It is advantageous for all raid members, heals and dps, to stay spread out to limit the amount of people being hit at one time. When anyone gets the PT debuff, it is their job to immediately get within the 10 yard cleansing radius of the Dreadscale tank (but NOT in front of Dreadscale) to remove the debuff. If this is done properly, there will be minimal slowing and damage taken and the healers and dps can return to their positions.

    Situation 2; Acidmaw mobile, Dreadscale rooted.
    Now only the ‘mobile’ Acidmaw tank will be getting hit with PT, and it will be the raid and ‘rooted’ Dreadscale tank having BB. Since the Acidmaw tank will absolutely HAVE to be able to continue to keep moving to avoid the acid pools, it will be the raid members hit with BB’s responsibility to cleanse him constantly, and if the ‘rooted’ Jormunger’s tank is a warrior (and the timing is right), he can again Intervene to cleanse, then Charge back to his target.

    -the raid members with BB in this situation will have to be healed through it, as BB cannot be removed.

    -If NOT going for the Achievment of downing both within 10 seconds of each other, you typically down Acidmaw first to remove the complication of Paralytic Toxin. However, be aware that once Acidmaw is killed, Dreadscale will ‘Enrage’, doing 50% more damage, for the remainder of the fight.

    -Nature and Fire Resistance auras/totems are very helpful for this fight.

    -once a suitable strategy for movement, cleansing and spacing is found, the fight becomes simple.

    1) Have tanks assigned to be either ‘mobile’ or ‘rooted’.
    2) Communicate BB and PT debuff, everyone stay out of BB AoE dmg.
    3) DPS and Healers clear themselves of PT, players with BB assist clearing it off of tank with PT.
    4) Melee dps stay clear of ‘rooted’ Jormunger, avoid poison pools, and stay out of ‘mobile’ Jormunger’s frontal cone.
    5) Have movement and spacing assignments set.

    Primary Abilities;
    Arctic Breath; targets random raid member and freezes all in a frontal cone and does frost dmg over 5 seconds. Staying spread out, and especially with healers, prevents this from hitting too many people and overwhelming the raid with dmg. An arctic breath to a player already damaged from any of the other abilities without immediate heals can lead to death early on.

    Whirl; AoE knockback to all players within melee range, dealing physical dmg.

    Massive Crash/Ferocious Butt; Icehowl jumps to the middle of the arena, knocking everyone in the raid back against the wall, where they will be stunned. He will then target a random player, face them and jump back, preparing to charge. At that time the stun will wear off, and everyone will get a temporary movement speed buff. The targeted player and anyone near them must immediately move out of the area to avoid his Charge path. If they are successful, Icehowl will hit the wall instead, become stunned, and take additional dmg for a time. If they do not move out of the way, they will most likely be killed instantly, and Icehowl will instead gain an ‘Enrage’ buff to his dmg for 15 seconds. This can be Tranq. Shotted off or a rogue with Anesthetic can remove it. However, the goal is to not get hit, and instead use the time to get extra dps on Icehowl.

    *be aware that there are pillars along the side of the room, so do not just strafe left or right; move diagonally away from the way to avoid being stuck in a corner and take the hit.*
    **the speed buff can allow players who where knocked back to the other side of the room to get in range of a stunned Icehowl rapidly. Melee players especially need to take advantage of this since they may find themselves on the totally opposite side of the arena, and need to get to him quickly to maximize the dmg buff.*

    -Frost resistance auras/totems are very helpful with this fight.

    -Icehowl can also be tanked up against a wall to reduce movement of melee and tanks getting back in range after a knock-back.

    1) Position Icehowl properly.
    2) Keep healers and ranged spread out to avoid Arctic Breath + dmg gibs.
    3) Be prepared to move out of the way when Icehowl gets ready to charge.
    4) Use movement speed boost to maximize dps and positioning after charge.
    5) Do NOT get hit/stuck in a corner if you or someone near you is targeted!
    6) Worst case scenario have plan to clear ‘Enrage’ effect and adjust if someone dies from charge.
    7) Keep people topped off.

    Link to Tankspot video and commentary on Northrend Beast;

    All of this information is available at Tankspot, Wowwiki and related searches.

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2009-02-01
    Age : 45
    Location : Jalalabad, Afghanistan

    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader Empty Re: Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader

    Post  Bluskana Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:27 am

    Trial of the Crusader; 10-man (Normal)

    Lord Jaraxxus-
    Primary Abilities;

    Fell Fireball- 2 second cast, targets Tank. Damage plus damage every second for 5 seconds. Interruptible, DoT can be dispelled if interrupt misses.

    Fel Lightning- cast on random target. Similar to Chain-lightning, but dmg does not reduce with each additional hit. Can hit up to 5 players; primary target and anyone within 10 yards, jumping again if another is within range, etc. Avoid this by keeping everyone at spread out enough to avoid multiple jumps.

    Legion Flame- cast on random target. Damage plus creates engulfing flame on them dealing dmg every second for 6 seconds. Each ‘tic’ actually creates its own fire spot, so standing in one place will, after 6 seconds, result in 6 individual DoT’s, rapidly killing anyone standing in the spot; anyone targeted with this needs to run away, leaving the trail of fire behind them and away from anyone else!

    Incinerate Flesh- cast on random target. Increases damage taken by 50%, and unless the target is healed for 20,000-30,000 in the next 15 seconds, everyone in the raid will take approx 20,000 damage as a DoT. If the target is healed for enough before it expires however, this will be avoided.

    Nether Power- Jaraxxus casts this buff on himself. At the start of the fight he will already have stacks of this on him, and it needs to be spellstolen/dispelled/purged IMMEDIATELY, as it greatly buffs his magic dmg output of all of his abilities. He will continue to buff himself with this, and it needs to be removed throughout the fight.

    Nether Portal/Summon Mistress of Pain- at regular intervals he will summon a portal on his left side. Anyone near it when it is created will receive dmg, and then the add will arrive. OT needs to pick the Mistress up immediately, and all ranged (NOT melee dps) should switch to burning her down. Add will randomly pick a target and charge them, causing 50% of the target’s health as damage, then port to her primary threat target (the OT… hopefully). Melee need to stay away from her, as she has a melee range AoE whirl ability that hits very hard. OT should not attempt, like the Infernals, to taunt her back; she will return after her attack, to the tanks exact location, and not before it is completed. Don’t waist taunts.

    Infernal Eruption/Felflame Infernal- this is the other add Jaraxxus will summon, a small volcano will appear and Infernals will start popping out one at a time, for a total of 3 Infernals. The OT needs to build as much agro (stagger your abilities) as possible as soon as they spawn, since shortly after they will start running around the raid doing their various abilities;
    -pick a random raid member and charge them for around 6,000 damage, then return to primary threat target.
    -when they do this, and also at random, they may stop and begin channeling an AoE dmg spell.
    -they also have a straight dmg attack to their primary threat target.
    -Like the Mistress’, when they are charging or channeling, do not attempt to taunt them, or if they are channeling, necessarily approach them; as long as the OT is the top agro on them, and can continue to build threat through ranged attacks (or when they are directly attacking the OT), that is fine. Save taunts if you find the dps on them is pulling, aside from that just do the best you can. Tanks with multiple ranged agro abilities are best for OT’ing this fight. Also like the Mistress’, ranged dps should be assigned to these targets, allowing melee to stay on the boss.
    -Infernals can also be ‘Banished’ by Warlocks if you find it difficult to control agro on them.
    -Infernal AoE channeled spell can be interrupted.
    -Fire resist aura/totems are very helpful in the fight.
    -Make sure focus is set and dps are working on the same Infernal to get each one down as fast as possible.

    1) Make sure to remove Nether buff of Jaraxxus immediately and consistently.
    2) Melee stay on Boss, ranged on adds.
    3) Keep at least 10 yards separate at all times from other players.
    4) Have dedicated interrupter on Jaraxxus at all times, or be ready to immediately dispel DoT off tank. Have back-up interrupter/plan in case primary has to run from Legion Flames.
    5) Avoid Mistress portal before she comes out, and like Infernals, OT has to build agro as best they can and not waist taunts/movement- understand the adds mechanics.
    6) DO NOT stand still and try to heal through Legion Flames- run away from raid with flame trail.
    7) Move out of the AoE when Infernals begin channeling spell.
    Cool Both MT and OT need to be aware of AoE flame pools, Infernal AoE spell, and portal location to move Jaraxxus appropriately so melee can avoid damage, and OT can be in the right spot to pick up adds.
    9) Get heals on anyone with Incinerate Flesh immediately to clear the debuff.

    Link to Tankspot video:

    Last edited by Bluskana on Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2009-02-01
    Age : 45
    Location : Jalalabad, Afghanistan

    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader Empty Re: Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader

    Post  Bluskana Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:35 am

    Trial of the Crusader; 10-man (Normal)

    Faction Champions-

    In the 10-man version of this fight, you will be faced with 6 out of a possible 14 Boss combinations. They represent the main pvp class builds. See links for the entire list of builds and names for the Champions you may encounter. Unlike traditional Boss encounters, this fight is based on dealing with the specific composition you face that week, along with your particular raids class and comp. As such, there is a huge variation in what you may face and the tools you have to counter it (strategy). Each time you do face this fight you will have to reevaluate and adjust, though there are some consistent factors you can use to guide your descisions:

    -Each Champion has approximately 400,000 health.
    -Each Champion has and will utilize all or most of their classes abilities: Divine Shield, Penance, Heroism (Bloodlust), Polymorph, Dispel, Interupts, Shadowstep, Bladestorm, etc.
    -Threat reduction as well as taunt mechanics do function in this fight, although there are no consistant ‘threat tables’, so they need to be used appropriately.
    -CC can be used both to isolate/lock down specific opponents, as well protecting players in dangerous situations.
    -CC and Taunts are subject to PvP diminishing returns (ex. Sap is 10 seconds).
    -The most dangerous opponents in terms of burst are the rogue, warrior, ret paladin and DK; your tanks should be assigned to kiting and controlling these, or have a set CC rotation to control or take them out of the fight as much as possible.
    -PvP trinkets can be very useful in this fight.
    -Everything from ‘Hungering Cold’ to ‘Fear Bombs’ should be used to disrupt opponents.
    -The dangerous melee characters, when pulled/kited farther away from the main body of your raid will re-target less often: pulling the rogue far away from your healers will keep him even more focused on his kiter.
    -Have ‘Target-of-Target’ set up and dangerous melee on /Focus to allow healers and kiters to keep track of them when multiple opponenets are going to zerg a vulnerable player.
    -Although the Champions healers/dispellers will act intelligently as to who is taking dmg, they still have a “heal any low-health friendly” mechanic which can be used by your raid; DoT’s and putting Hunter pets on Champions pets/minions will make them waist heals and dispels on them. (Ex. DoT’ing their pets, Treants, minion will force them to heal them, even though one of their main Champions is taking a lot of damage).
    -Using abilities like ‘Army of the Dead’, ‘Treants’, Shaman’s Elementals and ‘Mirror Image’ can be effective in spreading out their dps/CC. This is best used in waves, to keep as many up throughout the most dangerous parts of the fight as possible.
    - Typically it is best to have dps focus-fire one target at a time, usually a healer, to get the fight under control. Each opponent that is downed while your raid stays up greatly reduces the difficulty of the encounter.
    -Certain raid members can be particularly effective in CC’ing/kiting/controlling a particular Champion (Ex. Warlocks ‘Banish’/’Fear’ spam on a Champion Resto druid. Protection Warriors on a Holy Palidan).
    -The Shaman Champion’s Totems are VERY powerful, and need to be killed ASAP.
    -Dispel/Mass Dispel is crucial for reducing opponent damage and healing.
    -Both healing and dispelling will draw extra agro from the Champions, be ready to counter it.
    -A Champion rogue Shadowstepping, or Champion Warrior Bladstorming one of your clothies can almost one-shot them; CC if you can, and if you are the clothie target, RUN!
    -While caster Champions (Warlocks, Mages, Spriests) do alot of CC and damage, they do not typically have the insta-gib potential of melting one of your raid members like the melee Champions do, so the priority is CC/control melee, CC/kill healers, and deal with damage-dealing casters last.

    -The Champions will jump down from their respective side, NOT the main entrance; as Horde, the Alliance Champions will enter the side where the Alliance spectators are: by staying back on the opposite side of the arena before the fight begins, you will be able evaluate your opponents and make a plan, without them engaging you.

    *In summation, decide on a strategy that focuses on limiting melee enemies movements/damage, locking down and focusing an enemy healer until dead, and protecting your healer/dispellers. Understanding of each class/build and their abilities will greatly aid in your success. Good luck... /cackle*

    Last edited by Bluskana on Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:38 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2009-02-01
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    Location : Jalalabad, Afghanistan

    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader Empty Re: Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader

    Post  Bluskana Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:36 am

    Trial of the Crusader; 10-man (Normal)

    Twin Val'kyr-
    Primary Abilities:

    Fjola Lightbane-
    ‘Light Vortex’- 8 second cast, uninterruptable. 30,000 Light (fire) damage to all raid members once the cast is completed (if players have ‘Light Essence’ they will take NO damage).

    ‘Twin’s Pact’- 15 second cast, Fjola also casts a shield (absorbs 175,000 dmg) on herself that prevents dmg/interruption of the cast = once shield is down it becomes interruptible. Heals both Twin’s for 20% of their max health. While this is being cast, and until it is interrupted/finished, Eydis Darkbane will gain a stacking damage buff against her tank.

    Eydis Darkbane-
    ‘Dark Vortex’- 8 second cast, uninterruptable. 30,000 Dark (shadow) damage to all raid members once the cast is completed (if players have ‘Dark Essence’ they will take NO damage).

    ‘Twin’s Pact’- 15 second cast, Eydis also casts a shield (absorbs 175,000 dmg) on herself that prevents dmg/interruption of the cast = once shield is down it becomes interruptible. Heals both Twin’s for 20% of their max health. While this is being cast, and until it is interrupted/finished, Fjola Lightbane will gain a stacking damage buff against her tank.

    !!!Managing and swapping ‘Light Essence’ and ‘Dark Essence’ is the key to this encounter!!!

    Once you talk to the NPC, 4 portals will open up around the arena (2 dark and 2 light) and the Twin’s will appear at the entrance to the arena (opposite side of the NPC). The raid can then buff themselves with the correct Essence without pulling the Twin’s, and get in position for the pull.
    *’Light Essence’- deal additional damage to Darkbane, and absorb any Light-based damage.
    *’Dark Essence’- deal additional damage to Lightbane, and absorb any Dark-based damage.

    NOTE: during the encounter, both ‘Light Orbs’ and ‘Dark Orbs’ will spawn in groups around the arena and begin moving around. Players will want to move to these and absorb the Orbs of the same color as their buff (ex. Players with ‘Dark Essence’ will want to absorb ‘Dark Orbs’ and avoid ‘Light Orbs’)-
    *If they absorb Orbs of the same color, they will gain a damage and movement speed buff, stacking to 100: once they reach 100 stacks, they gain 100% increased damage for 20 seconds.
    *If they absorb Orbs of the OPPOSITE COLOR, they take a large chunk of damage = AVOID!
    *Absorbing these also prevents them from being absorbed by the Twins; if they absorb an Orb of the same color as themselves, they ALSO gain a damage buff = BAD!

    So, to begin the fight-

    Step 1: Divide the raid up into 2 groups, one to tank/dps/heal Lightbane, the other to tank/dps/heal Darkbane. Also assign at least one person who will be responsible for interrupting ALL ‘Twin’s Pact’ casts once the shield is down. This can be a tank, dps or even healer, depending on the raid.

    Step 2: Get the proper Essence buff-
    Fjola Lightbane Group:
    Tank- Dark Essence.
    DPS- Dark Essence.
    Heals- LIGHT ESSENCE (this is so while on the side of the arena with Lightbane, the healer can move around and soak up as many ‘Light Orbs’ as possible, reducing the chance for the Tank/DPS, who have ‘Dark Essence’, to be hit by the ‘Light Orbs’ and also prevent Fjora Lightbane from absorbing the ‘Light Orbs’ and gaining the damage buff).

    Eydis Darkbane Group:
    Tank- Light Essence
    DPS- Light Essence
    Heals- DARK ESSENCE (same reason as above, but this time to protect the ‘Dark Essence’ raid members on their side of the arena).

    Step 3: Get each group in position, pull at the same time, and tank each Twin near the SAME COLOR Portal as themselves = Lightbane to the right of the entrance near a ‘Light’ Portal, Darkbane on the left side of the entrance near a ‘Dark’ Portal.

    *Approximately every 45-60 seconds, one of the Twins will begin casting one of their 2 Special Abilities, and the raid will have to react accordingly: communicate to the group what is happening to help everyone get on the same page.
    *The order of which Twin does what ability is random- it is possible for Darkbane to do 2 ‘Dark Vortex’ in a row, then Lightbane to do a ‘Light Vortex’, then a ‘Twin’s Pact’, etc. The raid simply has to immediately identify which ability is being used and adjust.

    Situation A: Fjola Lightbane begins casting ‘Light Vortex’- all raid members that have ‘Dark Essence’ need to get to a ‘Light’ Portal and change to that Essence. Once the cast is complete, they can change back.

    Situation B: Fjola Lightbane begins casting ‘Twin’s Pact’- ALL DPS need to make sure they have/get ‘Dark Essence’, target and destroy Fjola Lightbane’s shield (with a designated interrupter or two ready to stop the spell). Once the spell has been stopped, they can change back to the Essence they had before and resume DPS on their original Boss.

    Situation C: Eydis Darkbane begins casting ‘Dark Vortex’- all raid members that have ‘Light Essence’ need to get to a ‘Dark’ Portal and change to that Essence. Once the cast is complete, they can change back.

    Situation D: Eydis Darkbane begins casting ‘Twin’s Pact’- ALL DPS need to make sure they have/get ‘Light Essence’, target and destroy Eydis Darkbane’s shield (with a designated interrupter or two ready to stop the spell). Once the spell has been stopped, they can change back to the Essence they had before and resume DPS on their original Boss.

    *If the Tanks/Healers find that the damage buff their Twin receives while the other Twin is casting ‘Twin’s Pact’ is difficult to handle, the Tank may switch to THEIR TWINS COLOR temporarily to reduce the damage they take until ‘Twin’s Pact’ is over and the buff goes away. DPS will be all be on the other, casting Twin, so there is no danger of falling behind on the agro table: the tank can then switch back to the correct Essence, and continue tanking.

    *Fire (for ‘Light’ damage) and Shadow (for ‘Dark’ damage) resist auras/totems can be helpful in this fight.

    *Switching Essences DOES NOT remove the buff stack (called ‘Powering Up') that players have been building, so don’t worry if you are close to 100 stacks and then have to switch.

    -Once everyone becomes familiar with the mechanics of this fight, and what their role is, it becomes a very simple encounter.

    Note: because the Twins share a health pool, there are other ways to do this encounter then the one covered here and in the video.

    Last edited by Bluskana on Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:10 am; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2009-02-01
    Age : 45
    Location : Jalalabad, Afghanistan

    Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader Empty Re: Trial of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader

    Post  Bluskana Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:37 am

    Trial of the Crusader; 10-man (Normal)

    Anub'arak- "Brought back from the undead... er... dead: Meaner, Bigger, and with Frost Power!"

    Primary Abilities:

    *NOTE; key to this encounter is ‘Permafrost’- a patch of ice that is created by ranged DPS killing the ‘Frost Orbs’ that float up in the air above the raid. They do not have much health, and can also be ‘Death Gripped’ into place, and then killed. Incidentally, while on top of Permafrost, both players and Crypt Fiend/Scarabs will move 20% slower. In 10-man Normal mode they continue to respawn, and there should be one ranged DPS assigned to keep plenty of Permafrost patches laid down. Ideally they are laid down in a U-shape, to the sides and behind where Anub’arak is tanked (see video). They play two important functions:
    1.Preventing Crypt Fiends from burrowing back underground and healing to full, only to emerge later.
    2.Provide a safe area for players to stand during Phase 2, when Anub’arak attempts to ‘Spike’ and ‘Impale’ the targeted player he is chasing. When he tries to do either of these abilities through Permafrost, Anub’arak is not only stopped, but he is stunned for a bit, and then has to start targeting another player.

    Phase 1-
    Freezing Slash; cast on Anub’arak’s tank. Damage plus encases target in ice for 3 seconds.
    **Along with this attack and his normal melee attack, Anub’arak also has a frontal-cone damage attack; he should at all times be pointed AWAY from the raid, and DPS/OT need to stay to the side or behind him whenever he is above ground!

    Penetrating Cold; cast on 2 random target, 18 second duration DoT, damage every 3 seconds. When DoT expires on first two targets, jumps to a 3rd target for another 18 second DoT duration.

    Summon Crypt Fiends; summons 1 crypt fiend almost as soon as the fight starts. OT needs to pick it up and tank it on top of a patch of Permafrost. Melee DPS can stay on the boss, while ranged kills the add. Crypt Fiends have a stacking ‘Sunder Armor’ effect, so healers should keep an eye out for increasing damage on the OT before the Crypt Fiend dies. Another Crypt Fiend will be summoned a little bit into the fight, which, to maximize DPS on the Boss, can be ignored and simply held by the OT until Phase 2 starts.

    *Phase 1 last about 90 seconds, and due to the enrage timer, all ‘Surface Phases’ against Anub’arak need to be taken advantage of to get him to Phase 3 as fast as possible.

    Phase 2-
    Pursued By Anub’arak!; from underground, the Boss will target (DBM gives a raid warning saying who is being targeted) a random player and attempt to catch them. He will begin shooting spikes up through the floor in pursuit of the player. The speed at which he travels increases as time goes by, until he catches up to the target, or his spikes hit a patch of Permafrost. If he catches them and they are not on a patch, he will attempt to ‘Impale’ them. While getting hit with the regular ‘Spikes’ deals moderate damage and shoots a player in the air a short ways, the ‘Impale’ hits for a very large amount of damage, and combined with the significant fall damage (shot very high up), can easily kill a player. Ideally, shortly after targeting the first player, they will move onto a patch of Permafrost, his ‘Spike/Impale’ attack will hit that instead, he will be stunned, and then move to another player.

    Summon Swarm Scarab; Anub’arak summons a Scarab, who has initial agro on a random raid member. They do not hit very hard, but have a stacking nature DoT called ‘Acid Drenched Mandible’ (stacks up to 99, lasts 1 minute). Because of this attack, they should NOT be picked up by ANY of the tanks- ranged dps should pick them up immediately and burn them down. This will keep the tanks from having to handle Anub’arak or a Crypt Fiend with the debuff already on them and become overwhelmed. Switching out of ‘Defensive Stance’, ‘Frost Presence’, ‘Bear Form’ or ‘Righteous Fury’ might allow a tank to avoid agro if they choose to aid in downing them, but ideally they should just stay away.
    ** Scarabs may also randomly gain a buff called ‘Determination’, that heals them to full, and makes them immune to CC/Permafrost slowing effect. Don’t panic; simply continue to finish them off as normal (though if they also happen to have a tank targeted, the tank should use whatever abilities they have, Druids go Cat Form and ‘Dash’, Warriors ‘Intervene’ to a distant player, Paladins cast ‘HoP’ on either Paladin or DK tanks, to avoid getting the DoT).

    *Phase 2 lasts about 60 seconds, and during it Permafrost patches should be replentished, the 2nd Crypt Fiend finished off (from Phase 1), the Swarm Scarabs taken care of, and healers should have taken advantage of the lighter healing needed in Phase 2 to regen/conserve as much mana as possible. After this 60 seconds is up, Phase 1 will begin again…

    *Phase 1 and Phase 2 will continue to cycle, with the same abilities until Anub’arak is taken down to 30% health, at which time Phase 3 will begin…

    Phase 3-
    *NOTE: check timers, and if at all possible, clear all remaining adds before initiating Phase 3.
    As soon as Anub’arak gets to 30% health, he will immediately cast…

    Leeching Swarm; a raid-wide DoT that cannot be dispelled. It hits all raid members for 10% of their CURRENT HEALTH (ex. 45,000 health tank will be hit for 4,500 damage… a Hunter with only 5,000 health remaining will be hit for 500 damage), EVERY SECOND, for the remainder of the fight! Not only does this do a lot of damage to everyone in the raid (greatly taxing healers), but it also HEALS Anub’arak for all damage done. This is obviously bad. The key to dealing with this ability is ideally to have all adds dead, meaning ONLY the MT has to be kept at full health. The rest of the raid can be kept at around 5,000 HP or so, with the healers keeping PRECISION AoE heals to maintain the raid at the lowest health levels possible. The thing they also have to keep an eye out for is that while Anub’arak will not summon any more adds, he will continue to cast ‘Penetrating Cold’. The initial 2 players who get this DoT, and then the 3rd player after them, need to be watched closely so they do not die from the combined DoT damage.

    *Aside from the taxing load on healers to keep alive, but not heal too much, the whole raid, as well as keep the MT up since Anub’arak continues to hit very hard, this becomes a burn-phase. DPS need to take this time to do maximum damage, popping Bloodlust, trinkets and all CD abilities before either the healers run out of mana, or Anub’arak hits his ‘Enrage’ timer of 10 minutes.

    *If not already on the boss, some form of ‘Mortal Strike’/’Wound Poison’/’Aimed Shot’ NEEDS be put on Anub’arak as soon as Phase 3 starts, to minimize the healing he receives from ‘Leeching Swarm’. Ideally it is applied BEFORE Phase 3 even starts, as the entire raid (probably topped off on health) will initially provide Anub’arak a large chunk of health until the healers get everyone stabilized at what they feel comfortable maintaining.

    ... and that about wraps it up for Trial of the Crusader!

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