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    Onyxia's Lair


    Posts : 40
    Join date : 2010-02-16

    Onyxia's Lair Empty Onyxia's Lair

    Post  Nektal Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:36 am


    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2009-02-01
    Age : 45
    Location : Jalalabad, Afghanistan

    Onyxia's Lair Empty Re: Onyxia's Lair

    Post  Bluskana Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:13 pm

    Three Phase Encounter:

    Phase 1-
    (Onyxia Ground Phase)
    Onyxia Abilities:

    Flame Breath; 45 yard, frontal-cone attack.

    Cleave; frontal-ARC attack (visually roughly from her front claws forward is the danger zone for this attack, will one-shot even plate-wearing dps).

    Wing Buffet- 25 yard, frontal-cone attack. Deal damage and knock-back.

    Tail Swipe- rear area, does minimal damage, but knock-backs VERY far.

    Phase 2-
    (Onyxia Air Phase)
    Onyxia Abilities:

    Fireball; random raid member targeted, deals moderate damage. Has cast time- setting /focus can allow healers to see who will be receiving this damage ahead of time, and help with the healing-intensive combination of add damage and random raid damage.

    Deep Breath; Onyxia will lay down this 10 yard-wide flame strip across the entire length of room from wherever she is positioned once she begins casting it. The timing of this attack is random, and has a cast time of 6 seconds. The ranged DPS assigned to Onyxia during Phase 2 should be keeping track of her location and directional orientation, to rapidly communicate where the Deep Breath will be laid down. Taking a direct Deep Breath will one-shot any healers or DPS, and more then likely lead to a tank going down as well if they are caught by one.

    Summon Whelps; the first wave of 40 whelps (20 from each side) will spawn as soon as Onyxia leaves the ground and begins Phase 2. After that waves will spawn every 90 seconds for the duration of Phase 2. They do not deal much damage individually, but until they are reduced in number, the tanks will take a considerable amount of damage.

    Summon Liar Guardian; the first Guardian will spawn 15 seconds after Onyxia leaves the ground and begins Phase 2. They enter from the cave entrance, and will need to be picked up immediately by a tank. They will continue to spawn from that location every 30 seconds for the duration of Phase 2. They have 2 important abilities that need to be handled properly-
    1)Ignite Weapon- increases damage by 25,000 on melee swing. They can be ‘Disarmed’, reducing the damage taken from this attack, depending on raid composition.
    2)Blast Nova- a channeled spell attack that CANNOT be interrupted, but can be avoided by both the DPS and tank assigned to the Guardian. When the Guardian starts to cast it, run away, then run back after it is over. It is best to have these tanked in a designated spot so other raid members know the area to avoid.

    Phase 3-
    (Onyxia Ground Phase)
    Onyxia Abilities:

    Bellowing Roar; within 5 seconds of landing, Onyxia will use this RAID-WIDE fear that lasts for 3 seconds. This will be cast regularly in intervals of around 10-20 seconds for the duration of Phase 3.

    Eruption; at the same time ‘Bellowing Roar’ goes off, flames will spout from the cracks in the floor of the room. They only do moderate damage, but especially during the confusion of picking up Onyxia, the fear, and finishing off the adds, healers need to keep an eye on any damage spikes.

    Summon Whelps; Onyxia will continue to summon Whelp adds throughout the remainder of the fight, though in much less numbers. The OT will need to keep an eye out for them, and be in a position to pick them up, while staying conscious of Onyxia’s position (you will see why when we talk about how ‘Bellowing Roar’ makes Phase 3 potentially very different from Phase 1). No more Liar Guardians will spawn!

    **Aside from these abilities, Onyxia herself will continue to have the same attacks as Phase 1**

    ***Onyxia has 4,800,000 health on 10-man mode: for purposes of phase changes….
    Phase 1: 4,800,000 HP until 3,120,000 HP (65%) Requires 1,680,000 damage to transition.
    Phase 2: 3,120,000 HP until 1,920,000 HP (40%) Requires 1,200,000 damage to transition.
    Phase 3: 1,920,000 HP until death.

    Onyxia has a large agro radius, as well as a large hit box.
    Onyxia will only be able to be damaged by ranged DPS during Phase 2.
    Onyxia does NOT reset agro when she lands for Phase 3; she will attack her tank from Phase 1.


    1)MT pulls Onyxia from the entrance, taking her to the middle of the back wall. During this time, depending on the tank, healers and DPS will have to be careful of agro and positioning as they move toward the back. This may require CD’s to be used by the tank, as well as agro-reducing abilities by the healers. ‘Misdirection’ and ‘Tricks of the Trade’ can also be very helpful in getting Onyxia in position with clean agro and a tank that is still alive. Heavy DPS should be held off until threat is solid.

    2)Positioning- Melee stay just ahead of the rear legs, being sure to avoid the ‘Tail Swipe’ (thereby possibly getting sent all the way into the Whelp pits) and being nowhere NEAR the front legs to be insta-gibbed by a ‘Cleave’. MT will be up against the back wall, taking the ‘Wing Buffet’ and other frontal attacks, but should have no problem keeping Onyxia pointed in the same position for Phase 1. Ranged DPS and healers should be off to her side and back near their outer-limit range for attacks/heals- this will allow especially DPS to get as many attacks in once she moves before flying into the air: once Onyxia gets to 65%, she will walk from where she is being tanked, across the length of the room, to the entrance, where she will then take flight. Ideally ranged DPS will be able to keep high damage on her the entire time before having to move/follow her around during Phase 2.

    3)Once Phase 2 starts, the priority for everyone except 2 assigned ranged DPS (who will be responsible for bringing Onyxia from 65% to 40% to end Phase 2, requiring 1,200,000 damage to be dealt) will be the adds. The initial wave of 40 Whelps (20 from each side) will be picked up by the tanks, brought to the center, and before the first Liar Guardian spawns, AoE’d down. Even the two ranged DPS assigned to Onyxia should assist in this, to get them down fast. The tank assigned to the Guardian should be moving toward the entrance to pick him up as soon as he spawns, along with all melee dps. ‘Disarm/Dismantle’ when the Guardian buffs itself with the ‘Ignite Weapon’, avoid the AoE, and burn it down. Rinse and repeat, keeping an eye on the countdown timers for each add wave.

    4)Have the ranged DPS on Onyxia keep track of and communicate not only her position for ‘Deep Breaths’, but also her current health. At about 45% health, start trying to clean up the current adds, and get/move into position for Onyxia’s landing: preparation for her landing/beginning of Phase 3 should take into account a couple of things-
    a)The path the MT will be taking her to her tanked position, and what orientation she will be at (a note on that will be discussed at the end).
    b)Since as soon as she lands, she will cast a ‘Bellowing Roar’, tanks, melee and ranged/healers will need to make sure they are properly positioned so they do not end up being sent into the Whelp pits, or into a Liar Guardian’s AoE.
    c)Along with the ‘Bellowing Roar’, the ‘Eruption’ damage that happens at the same time means healers will have to make sure anyone with low health is topped off.
    d)To make sure Onyxia is picked up and moved into her position for Phase 3 smoothly, there should be a set strategy to get the MT from the entrance to the back wall without ANY interruptions from ‘Bellowing Roar’: having a ‘Tremor Totem’ dropped to cover the first stretch of the movement, then a ‘Fear Ward’ (saved just for this phase) and a final ‘Tremor Totem’ up where Onyxia will be tanked for the rest of the encounter. A Druid tank can pop ‘Berserk’ for the move, or a Warrior can use ‘Berserker Rage’ to assist in this.

    5)Having taken these factors into consideration, and with the adds under control, ranged DPS can bring Onyxia down to 40% and initiate Phase 3. Finish off adds (no more Liar Guardians will spawn, and only occasional Whelps), and get in position on Onyxia. If you choose to tank her in the same position as Phase 1, the same general raid orientation will exist, though melee will have to favor her hind legs to make sure a fear doesn’t push them into her cleave/frontal attacks. OT will be keeping an eye out for Whelp adds. Dropping a ‘Tremor Totem’ in the MT/melee party can help keep positioning more stable, and just finish Onyxia off.

    ***NOTE: Phase 3 positioning- due to the additional complications that ‘Bellowing Roar’ can introduce in relation to the MT being feared (thereby changing Onyxia’s position drastically), there is another position/orientation that can be used. This involves the tank picking her up and taking her near the back wall as usual. Once near the back, however, the tank will then turn Onyxia either left or right, and tuck back into the corners, small V-shaped ones at approximately 10 and 2 o’clock. If you are looking at the Wowwiki link, these are located roughly where the furthest upper-right and upper-left ‘raid’ marking dots are (cluster of 5 yellow dots on each side). If you look at the Tankspot video, the little corner on the west/left side can be seen to the left of the Warlock at 00:25 seconds (there is one on the east/right side as well). Once the tank is tucked all the way back into those V-shape nooks, only a very unlucky fear direction will cause Onyxia to be moved at all, reducing the dangers of unlucky fears causing cleaves or tail-swipes. All ranged can then favor the back quarter area, since even a tail-swipe knock-back will only send them into the wall, and not down into the Whelp pits. Experimentation will decide if this is a viable alternative strategy for you.
    *Phase 2 is arguably the most hectic part to this encounter, but communication between the tanks, healers and ranged DPS watching Onyxia should allow the raid to react as needed. Avoiding ‘Deep Breaths’, peeling off stray Whelps from healers, controlling/burning down Guardians, switching to AoE attacks in between damaging Onyxia for Whelp killing, and coordinating when to bring her down the last portion (around 42% to 40%) are key to getting through this phase in good shape.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:18 am