Bonecrusher Clan

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Bonecrusher Clan

Bonecrusher Clan

    Utgarde Keep


    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2009-01-15
    Age : 36

    Utgarde Keep Empty Utgarde Keep

    Post  Leyvan Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:38 pm


    Normal Drops: (Main Hand~Dagger) (Cloth~Head) (Mail~Hands)

    Heroic Drops: (*Tank* One-Hand~Sword) (Wand) (Leather~Head) (Plate~Waist)

    Strategy:It is important to mind the random Frost Tomb applied to players, these can be burnt down and should be if your party is low on healing. A Frost Tomb does approximately 8000 damage which leaves most level 70’s either dead or very close to it. In addition to Frost Tombs, the prince will summon 5 skeletons which can be crowd controlled, make sure they are grouped up when they die because they will be resurrected periodically throughout the fight and it’s easier to control them if they’re in a group.

    If the entire group stands directly in front of the tank then the skeletons and ice blocks will stay in the same place - this means the tank can maintain agro on skeletons with their AOE move and both the tank and melee can easily take down ice blocks without having to move.

    Paladin Tanks are arguably the best suited tank for this, as they can bubble out of the Frost Tomb and use specific UD killing moves like Holy wrath to easily pick up the skeleton adds. This boss is relatively easy, however should not be underestimated. Challenging shout/roar is useful when the adds spawn.


    Normal Drops: (Plate~Chest) (Leather~Chest) (Main Hand~Fist Weapon)

    Heroic Drops: (Plate~Head) (One-Hand~Dagger) (Mail~Chest) (Leather~Wrist)

    Strategy:One school of thought is that they should both die at roughly the same time. This strategy involves DPSing Skarvald down to 10%, kill Dalronn, and then finish off Skarvald. This is because Skarvald will randomly charge players, and when his spirit spawns it will do the same, usually towards the healer. Since the spirit has no aggro table, he may stay on the healer until the fight finishes.

    Another is that with his casting times Dalronn is by far the easier of the pair to heal through and really doesn't have an aggro table anyway. This strategy involves having the tank build aggro on both bosses, but all DPS goes onto Dalronn. Once he dies you ignore his spirit and focus all attention on Skarvald.

    There are no strategies that involve killing Skarvald first, unless you plan to wipe.
    Positioning and Distance

    * If the group stays on top of the tank Skarvald will not charge and the tank can continue to maintain aggro.

    One way to kill the pair is to position the entire group inside Skarvald's minimum intercept range. This eliminates the complications introduced by his charging and turns the fight into a standard tank and spank.

    The other way is to tank the bosses right next to each other so the melee cannot be intercepted, but place the ranged DPS and healers as far away as possible. When Skarvald intercepts one of the ranged characters he will immediately re-aggro the tank (assuming the tank is top threat) and the time he spends running back to the tank is time he won't spend causing damage.


    Normal Drops: (Leather~Legs) (Mail~Shoulders) (Two-Hand~Axe)

    Heroic Drops: (Finger) (Ranged~Crossbow) (Leather~Waist) (Plate~Legs) (Finger) (Mail~Head) (Two-Handed~Staff) (Cloth~Legs) (Jewelcrafting Design)

    * Tank Ingvar so that he is facing away from the group if possible.
    * Tank Ingvar near a pillar.
    * When Ingvar casts (Dark) Smash you can avoid the effect by either dodging the effect in the middle of his animation (he jumps) or by LOSing Ingvar with a pillar.
    o It is critical for the tank to move out of the 10 yards range in time (should be no problem since both abilities have a 3 second cast).
    o Run directly away from any melee class behind him so that you don't accidentally turn him towards them (his (Dark) Smash is a cone and will most likely kill them instantly).
    * When Ingvar the Damned (Phase 2) throws his axe move Ingvar away from it so it doesn't kill the melee.

    Melee DPS Tactics

    * It is essential that any melee class apart from the tank stays behind him.
    * When he casts Smash (Phase 1) move back to make sure you're not hit by it accidentally.
    * When Ingvar throws his axe (Phase 2) make sure you don't stand in the whirling axe. It will kill you.
    * When he casts Dark Smash (Phase 2) use a pillar to LOS Ingvar to reduce or negate the shadow damage.
    * Be ready to run.
    * Plant DoT effects - poison, Rip, tear, Mangle, bleed effects, Seal of Corruption, etc - anything that keeps hitting while running is helpful.
    * Don't expect high damage output.

    Ranged DPS and Healing Tactics

    * Make sure you stand at least far enough away you don't accidentally eat a (Dark) Smash.
    * (non-healers) When Ingvar casts Dark Smash (Phase 2) LOS him with a pillar to reduce or avoid the shadow damage.
    * (healers) When Ingvar casts Dark Smash (Phase 2) your ability to LOS him with a pillar is directly proportional to your ability to keep the tank alive if you get knocked down out of LOS. LOS your tank at your own risk.
    * If Ingvar throws his axe at you, don't stand in the Magical Axe of Whirly-Doom effect. It will kill you.
    * When Ingvar casts his roar stop casting. If you don't you'll be eating an 8 second school lock-out (enemy casting bars work wonders.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:10 am