Bonecrusher Clan

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Bonecrusher Clan

Bonecrusher Clan

    Coldarra: The Nexus


    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2009-01-15
    Age : 36

    Coldarra: The Nexus Empty Coldarra: The Nexus

    Post  Leyvan Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:31 pm


    Normal Drops: (Leather-Waist) (Plate-Wrist) (Wand)

    Heroic Drops: (Leather-Shoulders) (Mail-Wrist) (Plate-Head) (Off Hand)

    Normal Strategy:
    he fight has three phases.

    A good strategy for the second phase if you have a mage(s) to have them use this macro

    /target Frost/Fire Magus /cast polymorph /target Arcane Magus

    Also, at the end of the encounter, the following macro is usefull. /target Grand Magus Telestra
    Phase 1

    * Casts Firebomb (Hits around 800 Damage to the enemy and other enemies around the original target)
    * Casts Ice Nova (Deals 2357 to 2643 Frost damage to all enemies within 60 yards, stunning them for 3 sec.)
    * Casts Gravity Well (Continuously pulls all players within 60 yards to the caster, rapidly dealing 75 Shadow damage for 6 sec)

    Group heals will be useful for this, considering the Grand Magus uses AoE spells.
    Phase 2

    At 50% health she will Vanish and create 3 Clones of herself. Each clone will cast spells from each Mage Tree:

    * Frost: Casts Ice Barb and Blizzard
    * Fire: Casts Fire Blast and Scorch
    * Arcane: Casts Time Stop (Stuns all enemies for 2 sec), Critter (Similar to Polymorph. Can be dispelled)

    The Clones can be polymorphed. Once the Clones are destroyed she will reappear with 50% health. If you have no CC, kill the Frost wielding Clone first to reduce AoE damage.
    Phase 3

    She will return back to phase one when all the clones die. However, when she reaches 25% health, she will Freeze everyone and cast Fireball Volley (AoE fireball spell) that will hit everyone in a 30 yard radius.

    The fight is easier with Crowd Control for Part 2 but not essential.

    Heroic Strategy:
    Phase 1

    Little difference from non heroic, with the exception that spells hit much harder. Fire and frost resistance effects are useful (totem, aura, etc) to reduce damage taken in all phases.
    Phase 2

    With the increase in damage that the clones deal, the arcane time stop clone can seriously hinder healing efforts and can occasionally polymorph the healer.

    Clones are able to be CC'd in all forms. CS, fear, stuns, and sheep are effective.

    She has been known to clone twice.
    Phase 3

    Little to no difference from non heroic phase. Possibility for her to clone herself again.


    Normal Drops: (Plate-Feet) (Plate-Shoulders) (Off Hand-Fist Weapon)

    Heroic Drops: (Finger) (Cloth-Hands) (Mail-Legs) (Plate-Waist)

    Dodge spikes. Tank and spank.


    Normal Drops: (Mail-Feet) (Mail-Hands) (Off Hand)

    Heroic Drops: (Neck) (Plate-Feet) (Leather-Head) (Mail-Chest)

    * Casts Spark: Hurls a magical bolt at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage.

    When Anomalous reaches 75%, 50% and 25% health, he creates a Chaotic Rift and uses Rift Shield to become immune to all damage.

    * Create Rift: Tears the fabric of space, opening a Chaotic Rift near Anomalus.
    * Rift Shield: Channels energy from the caster to nearby Chaotic Rifts, charging them with energy. The caster is immune to damage while channeling.
    * Charge Rifts: Anomalus channels his chaotic energy into nearby rifts, increasing their attack range and the rate at which they create Chaotic Wraiths

    The Chaotic Rifts themselves can cast spells, which are:

    * Chaotic Energy Burst: Unleashes a burst of chaotic energy at an enemy, dealing 244 to 406 Arcane damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces the damage by 50%. Affects 3 total targets.
    * Charged Chaotic Energy Burst: Unleashes a burst of chaotic energy at an enemy, dealing 357 to 593 Arcane damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces the damage by 50%. Affects 3 total targets.

    Crazed Mana-Wraiths, that the rifts summon, cast Arcane Missiles.

    ~Heroic Boss~ (Horde) (Alliance)

    Drops: (Cloth-Legs) (Back) (Plate-Hands) (Cloth-Feet)

    Avoid his whirlwind at all costs. He also comes with two priest healers.

    The strategy is mainly tank and spank and to make sure that you pull him far back enough that fear wont attract more enemies. Melee should watch out for whirlwind by standing at max melee range and moving away once you see the animation and tank should keep boss far away from any casters. Depending on the group depends on the order of killing the extra priests.


    Normal Drops: (Cloth-Feet) (Finger) (One Hand-Dagger)

    Heroic Drops: (Mail-Wrist) (Cloth-Hands) (Plate-Waist) (Main Hand-Mace) (Mail-Feet) (Leather-Chest) (Tank Shield) (Trinket)

    Normal Strategy:
    Keristrasza is frozen in ice at the beginning of the instance. There are three usable orbs around her. Once the area is clear of any patrols, click on the orbs and she will be released. It's best to have your three DPS use the orbs, so the Tank can can pick her up right away. Keep her parallel to the rest of the group. She has a tail sweep, casts Crystal Chains, Crystalfire Breath that does frostfire damage and slows attacks, and has a stackable debuff called Intense Cold that can stack up to nine times.

    Crystalfire Breath can be dispelled. To prevent Intense Cold from stacking, all you have to do is move and it removes the debuff. Any movement clears the debuff so all casters can either strafe one step or jump after a cast or two. Melee and the tank must keep close watch on their debuff and move a little or jump to clear it. It helps if there is someone in the party that can either dispel or cleanse so that they will be able to remove Crystal Chains. It will keep the targeted party member rooted for ten seconds and prevent them from clearing their Intense Cold debuff. A PvP trinket also clears Crystal Chains. Make sure to stand off so that you are facing her side and do not get Tail Swept or are hit with Crystalfire Breath.

    Alternate, easier strategy: Have the tank stand right in the center of the room on the platform and set up melee DPS on either side to avoid the Tail Swipe and HAVE EVERYONE JUMP. Kiting isn't necessary for this fight, as jumping is a much easier and friendlier alternative strategy. For groups having trouble jumping due to cast time, particularly for healers, kitting is possible with a hunter however it can be a painfully slow kill.

    Heroic Strategy:
    Fighting her on heroic is just like fighting her on normal except for a few minor changes:

    * Intense Cold ticks harder.
    * Crystal Chains hits the entire group rather than a single target and is used much more frequently.
    * Her melee attacks hit for 5-7k on plate.

    Keristrasza on heroic is just like Keristrasza on normal with the added difficult of not being able to dodge the Intense Cold damage all the time. Having the tank jump in place turns the fight largely into a typical dragon tank 'nd spank.
    Heroic Tips

    * If you have a dispeller have them remove the chains from the tank and the healer at the very least whenever Keristrasza casts Crystal Chains.
    * Hunters (Tranq Shot) and Rogues (Anesthetic Poison II) can remove Keristrasza's Frenzy effect.
    * If you don't have a way to remove Keristrasza's Frenzy effect make sure everyone knows to save their big CDs for 25%.
    * Warrior and Death Knight tanks should save Shield Wall and Icebound Fortitude for between 30-26%. You don't want to eat even one full power melee attack from Keristrasza when she's frenzied.
    o Especially if the damage spike might be more than your healer can handle.
    o Especially considering that you will be eating her increased damage at some point if your group can't take her down 25% in under 15 seconds.
    * If you have a way to buff the party's Frost Resistance (totem or paladin), do it

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